A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby oliver » Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:52 pm

I am a 59 year old male and had triple bypass surgery 4 years ago after which was prescribed Lipitor and Zetia. My total Cholesterol went from 250 to under 100 but my good cholesterol was a low 25. For over three years I went experienced all the negative side effects of both drugs and my overall quality of life was dismal. In May of this year, my fatigue got to the point of near fainting so my wife drove me to the ER and I was admitted for observation. The blood flow to the heart was good, I passed a stress test with flying colors, my LDL was 65 and my HDL was 15. My cardiologist said that a 15 HDL was as dangerous as a very high LDL and prescribed some kind of Niacin drug in addition to the Lipitor and Zetia. That was it for me. I got checked out of the hospital, threw away the Niacin prescription, stopped taking Lipitor and within two weeks also stopped the Zetia. Within a month I started to live again. My aches and pains subsided, my energy came back, I was able to multi-task again and my libido increased. By the beginning of this month, my total cholesterol was up to 200 and my HDL was up to 35 (still low but it sure beats15). Three weeks ago my cardiologist insisted I go back on medication and prescribed Vytorin 40. The first reaction was a pain in the right hip that got so severe that a few times it dropped me to my knees. All my joints hurt; I have constant thirst, have difficulty concentrating, have zero energy, often feel light headed and have difficulty breathing. Had a blood test two days ago and have an appointment with my family GP tomorrow. I hope he will work with me to get off these drugs that I believe are killing me.
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Postby Mrwurm » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:09 am

Oliver, your experience makes me think. I am 41 and have been having hip and shoulder pain for a few years. Xrays don't show much more than very minor osteoarthitus. I never thought that maybe the statin drugs were a contributor.
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Postby oliver » Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:58 pm

Saw my GP this morning. Exactly three weeks of daily 10/40 Vytorin, my total cholesterol went from 210 to 127, LDL went from 160 to 78 and HDL from 35 to 27 (much too low). Told the doctor of the increasing severe reactions I was having to Vytorin and argued that if the 10/40 Vytorin so significantly reduced my cholesterol in only three weeks, perhaps a 10/10 dose may acheive the same after longer term use. He agreed to the lower dose and scheduled a blood test in another 5 weeks. He advised that if the side effects remained the same with the lower dose to stop taking it and he will think of an alternate solution. Will see how it goes.
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Reply to Oliver

Postby sos_group_owner » Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:28 pm

Hi Oliver,

Your reaction is very typical when someone is re-challenged with another statin drug (or dose increase). Most doctors think they are doing us a favor by lowering our cholesterol, but elevated LDL cholesterol is not the problem.
The problem is "oxidized LDL" and/or inflammation.

Has your doctor checked the following?
* homocysteine
* Lp(a) - Lipoprotein (a)
* CRP (C-Reactive Protein)
When elevated, these risk factors indicate inflammation.

You mentioned your doctor also wanted you to take niacin. The problem with niacin is that it elevates homocysteine. Good thing you decided not to fill that script.

OK, back to homocysteine, a toxic amino acid. There is no safe level of homocysteine, but the optimal level should be 6.2 or less, although most labs say that up to 11.4 is in the desirable range. For every 3 points above 6.3, there is a 35% greater risk for a heart attack.

The remedy for elevated homocysteine?
Folic acid, B6 and B12. Some also need TMG (Betaine) and zinc to work with the B's.

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Location: Connecticut

Has your doctor checked the following?

Postby oliver » Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:30 pm

Many thanks Fran for the valuable info.
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:46 pm

For Oliver

Postby sos_group_owner » Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:55 pm

You are very welcome Oliver :wink: Fran
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