Dutch television show questions statins to boost ratings

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Dutch television show questions statins to boost ratings

Postby adec » Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:53 am

Television show questions statins to boost ratings, Dutch doctors claim
Tony Sheldon
BMJ 2007;334:604-605 (24 March)

"Dutch doctors are calling for restrictions on television programmes that they claim deliberately use matters of patient safety to boost viewing figures. This follows angry reactions from medical bodies to a consumer affairs programme that questioned whether high concentrations of cholesterol in blood increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The programme, Radar, broadcast by television company Televisie Radio Omroep Stichting, also raised doubts about the safety of prescribing statins to combat high cholesterol.

Doctors fear that some of the one million Dutch patients who are taking statins may stop without consulting their doctor and, therefore, risk future heart attacks.

In a complaint to the Healthcare Inspectorate, the Dutch Cardiology Society says that the programme's assertions have caused great unrest among patients. Its chairman, cardiologist Wybren Jaarsma, writes that in the past week many colleagues have faced questions from patients over whether they should continue care that has been scientifically..."



To me this story is at least unqualified proof that: not only isn't the statin + misguided cholesterol battle close to being won, but we haven't even begun to face open engagement. And as entrenched as the pharmaceuticals are on this side of the Atlantic, they seem to have very long and impervious tentacles. Their money will continue to encircle and protect their billion dollar industries, and keep the public at large and health care providers at arms length, and in the dark. There sincerely needs to be more information being provided on forums like these, and Dr. Graveline's in the world, to direct us all back toward that light.
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:12 am

I wish more TV programs would address this issue just to show the big pharma's that they CAN, just to show them they can not controll the entire world and that nobody cares about their so called "power"!

It WILL all come out one day and when it does, it will cost them dearly.
Cat Mom2
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Postby flacorps » Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:49 pm

The moment someone at big pharma invents a new class of cholesterol lowering drugs that costs less to make and will be difficult for their competitors to copy, there will be studies aplenty showing that statins are deadly (I'm pointedly not mentioning lack of side effects and actually decreasing morbidity and mortality, it's just cholesterol numbers and the bottom line).

Then they'll go the way of COX-2 inhibitors and that will be that.
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