Brian C. Yes, thank you. I did that, but I was actually thinking about the large number in our midst who will get the "HOME already exists, do you want to replace it?" message and then 'Just Say No".
Also, if our Cadwaller is indeed among us, I welcome him (I presume) to an unvarnished forum of unadulterated, free expression where everyone can learn something from anyone, and usually does; in spades!
Hi Brooks. We shall see... Our latest guest is both a medic and a researcher so we all could learn a lot from his (my assumption... I know, I know) point of view about statins. My interest would be to get him to address the issues that I have already put to him (perhaps we really do need a gender neutral word in English, or at least one that will serve as a passable hermaphrodite)
and am hoping to have those issues spoken to, in due course.
I have added a little more information to my site and it references a national policy document that makes interesting reading. My commentary is incomplete but some worthwhile links are included. Have a look and let me know what you think.
Kind regards,
xrn (aka the all-seeing webmaster)