by Ray Holder » Fri May 25, 2007 9:54 am
Dear Ginny
It appears that you are another sufferer who needs Coenzyme Q10 and Carnitine supplements. The thread "Muscle pain and statins" will help you here.
The damage is usually the reduction of the body's Q10 supply by the statin, causing a reduction of carnitine needed to take fat for fuel into the muscles and also to take the waste products of energy production out, otherwise pain occurs from lactic acidosis.
Q10 is taken in oil based capsules, from 100 to 600 mg total per day, and carnitine as Acetyl L carnitine (or just L carnitine) from 500 mg a day upwards, taking 3 days at one level before increasing by another 250 or 500 mg and so on, but excess to your needs may cause bowel problems, in which case go down one 250 mg step. There are large numbers of posts on this subject, the Google site search at the foot of the home page will help you here.
Hope this helps