Dr. Nissen

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Dr. Nissen

Postby Dee » Fri May 25, 2007 10:59 am

Seems like as Cardiology Chief, Dr. Nissen and his statistical expert would be sounding the alarm on all the statins.

"Cleveland Heart Doctor Is Drug Watchdog
May 22, 2007

(The Associated Press) -- A new "safety net" has helped keep four dangerous drugs out of the public's hands and this week may have snared another by sounding an alarm on the diabetes drug Avandia. This watchdog is no alphabet-soup-titled federal agency. It is the Cleveland Clinic's cardiology chief, Dr. Steven Nissen.

As criticism of the federal Food and Drug Administration mounts, Nissen, aided by powerful medical journals and government officials, has become a de facto drug regulator.

Nissen says that when he saw results from an analysis he and a statistics expert did on Avandia, "I was physically sick to my stomach and I couldn't sleep."

That review of dozens of studies showed the drug, taken by millions of diabetics, significantly raises the risk of heart attack. Six days later, he submitted the paper to the New England Journal of Medicine, which moved "at lightning speed" to get it out on Monday.

"I felt I had an ethical and a moral obligation to work as fast as I could," Nissen said.

He previously warned of heart risks from the painkiller Vioxx, which was pulled off the market in 2004, and three other drugs that nearly won approval: the diabetes drug Pargluva, the anticoagulant Exanta and the blood pressure drug Vanlev. He was the only FDA adviser to vote against Natrecor, a heart failure drug that some research has tied to a risk of death.

"I didn't really ask for this role," Nissen said. "I would rather spend my time doing studies that develop medications. But what happened was the FDA seems to have lost its way, and seems to be incapable of monitoring drug safety adequately. So it's fallen upon individuals to do independent analyses. I would love for that to change."

Nissen, 58, joined Cleveland Clinic in 1992 and succeeded Dr. Eric Topol as department chief last year. He is immediate past president of the American College of Cardiology. Time magazine just named him one of the 100 most influential people, with Al Gore, Queen Elizabeth II and Oprah Winfrey.

He takes no money from drug companies, directing them to pay his fees for consulting or research to charity and the clinic's foundation.

He is not anti-industry and takes plenty of medicine himself, though he won't say what. "Drug safety affects all of us," he said.

Have breakfast with him and you'd better order oatmeal and a banana, maybe a little lox.

"You're not going to have eggs, are you?" he'll ask.

He drives: A 2002 BMW 530i, "but my wife drives a Prius" and wants him to do the same.

For pain, he takes: over-the-counter naproxen.

How he has fun: "My wife says I don't know how." He says he likes biking, "and I always wear a helmet."


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Postby Brian C. » Fri May 25, 2007 1:35 pm

"You're not going to have eggs, are you?" he'll ask.
Oh dear. Sounds like Dr Nissan still subscribes to THAT discredited hypothesis :(

Still, the man has integrity and character.
Rare attributes in his profession.
We raise our glasses in salutation.

Brian C.
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Beware of Nissen & Cleveland Clinic

Postby JL » Mon May 28, 2007 4:27 am

Dr. Nissen is not a friend to statin sufferers and he is not worthy of any honors as far as I am concerned. Cleveland Clinic is paid by drug companies to perform statin trials.



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Postby Dee » Mon May 28, 2007 4:42 am

JL, exactly!

Dr. Nissen needs to take a closer look at his own back yard and scrutinize the entire statin class of drugs. I remember when the high statin dose study by Cleveland Clinic came out, and I was sickened by it.

I cannot believe that over 500 people on high dose statins did not have some MAJOR adverse effects.
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Postby Brian C. » Mon May 28, 2007 4:42 am

Hmm, bet his medication includes a statin.
I think what we should understand is that it's the risk of sudden death that worries medics, not lingering incapacity for which it is more difficult to establish a unique cause.

Fear of litigation is the only thing that robs them of sleep.

I haven't seen a cardiologist in over 20 years and would NEVER entrust my life to one. They bear the mark of Cain :wink:

Brian C.
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Postby Biologist » Tue May 29, 2007 12:50 am

Brian, I bet his medication specifically Do Not include a statin! That's why he refuses to reveal his medications -- it would be bad for business for people to know he wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole. I think this guy's the ultimate *machiavellian* shill for BigPharma.

From an online dictionary: "Machiavellian --
characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning,
deception, expediency, or dishonesty
ex. He resorted to Machiavellian tactics in order
to get ahead."

He loudly outs the lesser moneymakers (that were likely doomed anyway) for enhanced credibility for his super obnoxious support for the killer ones -- statins! The real blood money. I've seen him in action before. A real dangerous joke. I recognized his face from JL's first link above. Watch the Larry King video from here when you get a chance.


Don't mean to beat up on all cardiologist, but there is a certain stereotype this guy just seems to fit to a tee. He's so cocksure that he's fooling everyone from years of doing just that. Example: "Yes, you have a real 'Widow Maker' of a heart there, my friend, let's get you scheduled for early next week (besides, my mortgage and turbo prop payments are due). Reminds me of the cardiologist last night on 20/20, if anyone else happened to have seen that show.

I just love this line:

"I felt I had an ethical and a moral obligation
to work as fast as I could," Nissen said."

What a hoot! :lol:

This one is good too where he gives credit to his eager coconspirators who are up to the exact same trick:

"Six days later, he submitted the paper to the
New England Journal of Medicine, which moved
"at lightning speed" to get it out on Monday."

Notice how the journalist (also in on it) makes the subtle point that he could not possibly be in it for the money by talking about his older car, and makes real sure that the moneymaker (statins) get the major subtle plug at the end (with all his enhanced credibility having been thoroughly established by that time).

Unreal. :lol:

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Postby Brian C. » Tue May 29, 2007 2:11 am

Biologist : Brian, I bet his medication specifically Do Not include a statin!

Yeah, case of my right finger not knowing what my left hemisphere was thinking! :lol:


"Don't ask the doctor, ask the patient" - old proverb
Brian C.
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Postby Biologist » Tue May 29, 2007 2:26 am

"Fear of litigation is the only
thing that robs them of sleep."

Nice. :lol:

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Postby eml256 » Tue May 29, 2007 2:23 pm

dr. nissen made his reputation on statins, esp. Lipitor. --not likely he will EVER look into adverse effects with this class of drugs (you can google his name and the word "statins" or "lipitor" to appreciate the #'s of articles, studies, interviews he has done on lipitor--all are positive!!!!
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