So saw my doctor today-told him was off Crestor and on to CoQ10 and 3-6-9. While he was really!!!!!! reluctant to say anything about the Statins - he just said "well, I guess Crestor just isn't working for you". "So I guess you don't need that angioplasty on your legs as the pain was coming from the drug". Unbelievable. But anyway he said as long as I am going the "alternative route" the CoQ10 and 3-6-9 were a good combination but don't address cholesterol. So I told him I was going to take this other thing I found the Future Biotics CholestaLo - all vegetable with Niacin and Cayenne and about 12 other things and he suggested that would be good to see if I can tolerate a low dosage of Niacin - if so he would prescribe a higher Niacin later. So I thought that went well - he was pleased that I am feeling so much better. There really is hope!!!!!!!! I asked about the K connection and he said really nothing. It's been a little over a week now and it is like day and night. Mostly I am so happy my energy has come back. Also he said the blood pressure drop from CoQ10 is really minimal but I am still taking Toprol and Lisinopril. My blood pressure today was 100/50.
So all you out there - keep with the CoQ10 and Fish Oil then start your B's gradually I think. Blue Green Algae is really the best but hard to start if you are toxic. It will take some weeks to get all the Statins out of your system - some pain still lingers for me but at night I can stretch my legs and they feel right.
I have been getting my CoQ10 just over the counter so will look into the Jarrow formulas as here stated. Is that the best source you all??????
Thanks again for being here - really!!!!