Doctor visit today

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Doctor visit today

Postby hurting » Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:57 pm

So saw my doctor today-told him was off Crestor and on to CoQ10 and 3-6-9. While he was really!!!!!! reluctant to say anything about the Statins - he just said "well, I guess Crestor just isn't working for you". "So I guess you don't need that angioplasty on your legs as the pain was coming from the drug". Unbelievable. But anyway he said as long as I am going the "alternative route" the CoQ10 and 3-6-9 were a good combination but don't address cholesterol. So I told him I was going to take this other thing I found the Future Biotics CholestaLo - all vegetable with Niacin and Cayenne and about 12 other things and he suggested that would be good to see if I can tolerate a low dosage of Niacin - if so he would prescribe a higher Niacin later. So I thought that went well - he was pleased that I am feeling so much better. There really is hope!!!!!!!! I asked about the K connection and he said really nothing. It's been a little over a week now and it is like day and night. Mostly I am so happy my energy has come back. Also he said the blood pressure drop from CoQ10 is really minimal but I am still taking Toprol and Lisinopril. My blood pressure today was 100/50.

So all you out there - keep with the CoQ10 and Fish Oil then start your B's gradually I think. Blue Green Algae is really the best but hard to start if you are toxic. It will take some weeks to get all the Statins out of your system - some pain still lingers for me but at night I can stretch my legs and they feel right.

I have been getting my CoQ10 just over the counter so will look into the Jarrow formulas as here stated. Is that the best source you all??????

Thanks again for being here - really!!!!
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Postby Buzz » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:16 pm

So glad that you are off the statins. I really haven't made that switch yet, need to purchase the other stuff first. What do you mean about the 3-6-9? I've heard of the CO Q10 and the Niacin and most of the other stuff that spacedoc recommends, but I'm not familiar with the term 3-6-9. Could you enlighten me. And I'm surprised your doc was so cooperative. I'm sure mine will not be that way when I see him in September. Take care and continue the healing! Buzz.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:50 am

hurting: Niacin has caused a return of Statin-like symptoms in some of the forum members as many people have a low tolerance for it. Just be alert to that possibility when you take the 'Cholestalo' supplement.


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Postby SusieO » Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:30 am

[quote="cjbrooksjc"]hurting: Niacin has caused a return of Statin-like symptoms in some of the forum members as many people have a low tolerance for it. Just be alert to that possibility when you take the 'Cholestalo' supplement.



Yes, I am one of those folks who can't even take a multi-vitamin due to the Niacin in it and the pain coming back full force.

I am really happy you are feeling so much better! :D
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Doctor Visit Today

Postby hurting » Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:05 am

Buzz - the secret to all this is to actually go off the statins and see what happens. I did once and saw a small result and then went back on them and was doubly sorry. It takes a few days but I am only about 1-1/2 weeks and my pain is 99% gone - I swear to you. I am taking 100mg CoQ10 Nature's Way you can get anywhere and the 3-6-9 is Omega 3 Omega 6 and Omega 9 - 1000 mg Fish Oil and Borage Oil - I am using Nordic Naturals as I was told they are really pure and I got them at a simple health food store. Those two things are rebuilding my mitochondria and strengthening my heart.

Just go to a place you know you can get something and get started - you only have your pain to lose and then you can research better stuff after you get some results. I believe you will find what is best for you whereever you go - it will jump off the shelf at you!

I will wait a bit on the Niacin as I am feeling so good now I just want to build on that - and I am going to my retreat in Canada in two weeks and want to be able to walk around in the forest with no problem.

My energy level has improved so radically it is almost scary. It is truly just unbelievable the effect these drugs have on us.

So - Buzz - have at it - nothing to fear except uncertainty and there are sure enough of us here to give you that push into a better place -
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Re: Niacin

Postby sos_group_owner » Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:51 pm

Niacin can also cause elevated levels of homocysteine, even with B complex supplementation. Controlling inflammation is the objective.

These are the factors that need to be monitored & controlled:
(factors that create "free radicals" and oxidized LDL)

* Smoking
* high blood sugar levels (diabetes)
* stress

Risk factors that damage the "endothelium" include elevated levels of :
* homocysteine
* blood sugar
* insulin
* cortisol (stress hormones)
* triglycerides
* smoking

Deficiency in some vitamins, such as C and the B's can also put us at risk.

Excellent article written by Dr Malcolm Kendrick:
"Is Heart Disease All Due to Blood Clots?"

Excerpt from his article:

" This is a complex pathway. When platelets start to stick together, they release free radicals. "Free radicals" oxidise LDL. Oxidised LDL is a powerful blood clotting factor. LDL is also incorporated into the blood clot as it forms, and provides a `lipid' surface (along with VLDL) for the construction of fibrin. Fibrin is the hugely strong protein strand that binds a clot together and makes it `tough.' "

To sum up the above, when the factors above are not controlled, our body tries to 'heal' itself, much like it would a 'cut' and the result is blood clots that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. And it's when LDL becomes oxidized, not just the total number. Think quality, not quantity.

And don't buy into the 'low fat - low cholesterol' diet. LF-LC teaches us to eat high carb, hence the reason most of us are plagued with high triglycerides and blood sugar levels.

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