by Dee » Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:46 pm
Ok, ok, no one asked, but I am going to throw it out there anyway.
Here's the deal:
In order to get anything worthwhile done, we need to form a central official organization. Something like: Coalition for Statin Victims. Take a look at this:
Social Security Disability Coalition
Linda Fullerton has done an amazing job, with the help of Stephanie, of fighting the inequities in the SSD organization. This is what ONE po'd person can accomplish, just think what we could do. (Anyone here belong to AARP and see the article in the current issue? YEP, Linda and company)):
Yes, we have forums, newsgroups, bulletin boards. They are great, but have accomplished ZIP in getting anything constructive done, and I have been on this wagon for almost 4 years...and NOTHING.
Sure, we help, support, sympathize, empathize. Unfortunately that is where it ends.
To finally get somewhere we need to form a coalition, where ppl from all the fragmented sites can organize and start to take action.
The concept and mission need to be simply this:
To expose the statin class of drugs for what they are, back it up with peer reviewed studies and research, and gather together the masses that have been damaged by these drugs (There IS power in numbers!!!). To form a plan of action that includes drafting letters, finding the best help in the political arena, and INSISTING that the government form a plan that forces the manufacturers of these drugs to compensate the victims.
The focus needs to be kept on those issues alone.
What we need to avoid at all costs is getting into "what we know and are passionate about" which is how cholesterol is good (not bad), how "off" mainstream medicine is on the issue, how "conned" we have been, all the great alternative natural, holistic, wonderful ways there are to deal with cholesterol...yada, yada, yada. For our purposes, sadly, those issues will distract from the cause. (Yes there IS a place for that, but not within the constraints of our purpose.)
The minute you pull in issues that can be seen as "fringe" or "conspiracy" type of thinking, the eyes of those we NEED on our side, will glaze over. When we start looking like shills for those selling supplements, vitamins, herbs, that is where we loose the battle. Right there, it's done, it's over.
This is just a tiny seed, much work would need to be done. If we don't start taking constructive steps to reach our goal, we will get just what we deserve...nothing. I'm not will to settle for that anymore, ARE YOU?