Why doctors often dismiss side effects of drugs

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Why doctors often dismiss side effects of drugs

Postby SusieO » Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:45 am


I received this article this morning and wanted to share it with you. It is not just for statin drugs, but they do mention them heavily in the article.

A good friend brought to my attention about 2 years ago something called EFT = Emotional Freedom Techniques (a sort of acupuncture-like healing without the needles). I found someone in my area that has mastered this EFT and she has come by our home 2 times now. From the first day she was here I have noticed a 100% difference in my muscle weakness - I am so much stronger it is unbelievable. She also practices Quantum Touch and has done this on me, too.

I can walk without feeling weak, I can lift my pots and pans without asking my spouse to come and help me, I am able to do yard work without being in pain for days afterwards. It has only been two weeks and at first I kept thinking "ok today it will end and I will wake up to the weakness and pain" but now I feel positive about it and that this is going to last!

I have also gone to a Wellness doctor that practices holistic medicines. He is testing my hair for the toxins that are built up in it, he found many weaknesses in my body (that I knew I had but didn't know how to help make stronger). I will be taking a lot of supplements, but they are ones that are specifically for my body not just a blanket Rx that anyone could take and then hope it works for you.

I see him again this week Thursday to get my test results and find out what supplements I need to get started on as well as a diet that will help my body to heal.

This is the first time in over 3 years that I have felt VERY POSITIVE about my healing and that I will get better and not have to suffer the bad damage from statins for the rest of my life. This doctor listened to me, he comforted me when I was crying, he truly belives me that my body was damaged from Lipitor.

My insurance does not pay for any of this and it is quite costly, but how can we put a price on our health. I will continue to post on my progress.
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Postby Allen1 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:35 pm

Hi there SusieO,

I just read the article(s) from your link and it is good to see that someone is actually taking notice of what we have all been saying to our Doctors for many years and which has just been ignored or brushed off as if we are Stupid or Mad!

It is around 12 years of Zocor/simvastatin use for me, at least 11 of those I have had many problems, they seemed to be unrelated to each other until you come across a site like this where most of the people have had the very same pains, weakness, memory problems and the list goes on. As you can guess, my Doctor was in denial and although he has had his eyes opened to the problems, he still won't say "Yes it was the Statins". I have been off them for roughly 6 months and I am getting worse as time goes by, maybe this is where it gets worse before it gets better, I certainly hope so, but if I knew years ago what I know now, I would have stopped taking this poison and probably not be the way I am now.

I hadn't heard of "EFT = Emotional Freedom Techniques" I am pleased it is making you feel stronger and fitter, good luck with the treatment and I hope you keep on improving.

I will leave it at that for now but it is good to hear something positive happen to a casualty of this "wonder drug" and curses to insurance companies who sit by and let folk suffer.

All the very best,
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Postby SusieO » Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:25 am

Thank you Allen1, but I am sorry to read you are also a sufferer from these evil medicines.

It took me 2 years to finally give in and try EFT - I kept thinking it was a bunch of nonsense, but after being tired of conventional medicine that was not helping me I thought "what do I have to lose" and I have not lost anything, but gained strenght back.

I know I also have to listen to the Wellness doctor and detox my body of the chemical buildup it has inside.

Here is the link to the EFT site; you can see if there is someone in your area that you could contact: **http://www.emofree.com/Practitioners/referralMain.asp

Also, here is the website for the doctor I am seeing that uses the Wellness treatments **http://www.emofree.com/Practitioners/referralMain.asp
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:57 pm

I am hoping that by complaining that at least we make the doctors aware and maybe after enough of us complain about the same things, they start to connect the dots! I hope that someday my doctor remembers and thinks "Hay, that other lady said the SAME things!"..

It is staggering how easily they brush us off or say it is a old injury or something else.
Cat Mom2
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