Hi, Deb.
My cholesterol last time checked (9/6/07) was the following. I did eat my first baked potato in weeks the evening before which was my last meal. It was a large one. I had already started baking it when I remembered my up-coming test. But maybe that gives you an idea of the (lack of) importance I put on those tests. I ate it anyway. It was good. I'd do it again.
I imagine it might have skewed things a bit but I really do not know about timing for carb loads and their immediate effect on the numbers. Here goes:
Total: 249
HDL: 50
LDL: 165
Triglycerides: 172
(I would have to check my old records from the statin days to see how things have changed, but I do remember my best total C reading was the week of my "crash" and it was just under 200 -- for me, that's too damn low, I like where I,m at, and also like where you're at.)
The time before was an impromptu addition to other test we decided to do on the spot after that afternoon appointment (no fasting). This blood was to test the Dr's theory that I might be low on testosterone. He was right of course -- BTW, a specialist/urologist I saw fairly recently questioned the numbers. She said, for instance, an erection would be out of the question at a level of 115.62 and said the test should have immediately been redone to check it the next morning. Oh, well. However, she did not have much of an idea how much the timing of the test, which is normally done in the morning, would have skewed downward the results. Next time I had it done (with the paperwork results in hand for that too for her) I was just under 400 which is low normal. However, I had been taking 100 mg of DHEA for about two weeks since getting the results of the first "T-Test." So who knows? BTW again. I am now going to another specialist later this month because her practice (the urologist) was not up speed on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. They don't use it. (They do use an MRI though, which she was leaning toward doing to rule out Pituitary function problems -- um, no thanks, for now, while that is a reasonable hypothesis, I guess.) The book I had read said it was a likely fit for me -- that hormone tells your body to make its own Testosterone rather than using the gel application of testosterone. I found a sympathetic pharmacist (thanks, K-Mart) who divulged who was prescribing it locally and I made an appointment with him. He is reported to know what he's doing. We'll see. No legal action from me if he doesn't though. I'm ready to experiment at this point. A side effect is that I am losing head hair fast and also "shrinking." The T factories are no longer on the job...
Ok, here is what was taken on the spot one afternoon (8-13-07):
Total: 258
HDL: 41
LDL: 154
Triglycerides: 315
These days all I care about is the Triglycerides. The lack of fasting probably got the above number "artificially" high. I expect that right now my Triglycerides are very good -- and partly with the supplements and partly with the diet change over the last few weeks or months. I don't eat refined carbs or much starches except for D-Ribose which I use to sweeten my coffee and green tea. (Tea is a new one for me.) I now have a new favorite book I am half way through and will read another chapter right now even though I have plenty of work to do otherwise:
"Good Calories BAD CALORIES" by Gary Taubes. Amazing. Much falling into place now about how it all works. And where the erroneous ideas came from and why they are still around. BTW, one reason they are still around is simply due to the fact that if everyone ate right there would be mass starvation as there is not near enough of the good food to go around -- that's partly my own "theory" but it's right. It is easily deduced, but not real wise to just up and say it, let alone put it in print.
No comment on my wrists. I lack the degree of dexterity to some degree and they appear not to be as stable. My guitar playing days were probably pretty much over anyway. I am keeping an eye on them though. I think you mentioned someone with ALS losing weight. I am now keeping an eye on that too. But testosterone will lean men up and lower fat ratios. There is too much going on now to make any judgment what is responsible for what. However, I look better than I have in some time body wise. If the weight loss stops here, I'm happy.
I'm rooting for you. Your family may have had high carb intakes. That sure appears to be the real cause of heart disease (as well as high blood pressure and diabetes among other western civilization diseases), but let that word get out, and there starts the problem... There just ain't enough to go around. Meat takes a lot of carbs to make, which is needed to feed people and fruits and vegetables are in short supply too if the world diet were to shift.