Hi there Dee,
I wanted to try to download the conversation and play it off line and let someone else I know hear it. I would have converted it to M-P-3 to use in my player but the file won't download although you can listen to it in media player while online.
When I wrote M-P-3 in my first post it came out as" SPAM MESSAGE - DO NOT OPEN". As you can see I had to space out the M from the P and the 3 or it would have been seen as spam again. Hopefully this file type will be allowed in future posts without the spam message
Thanks again Dee, what you have written for Dr. Graveline in your post just about says it all for most of us who have heard the bad news.
I would also like to thank for letting us know that this conversation had taken place and that it was available for all to hear, it was good to actually hear Dr. Graveline talking, I would have missed that if you hadn't pointed it out.