by sos_group_owner » Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:18 am
Hello Hurting,
You're on the right track stopping Crestor, the most potent statin on the market today. The pain in your muscles is called 'myopathy'.
This JAMA article discusses statin-associated myopathy:
The numbness in your hands and feet is called 'peripheral neuropathy'.
These adverse effects and many others are discusses on Dr Beatrice Golomb's "Statin Effects Study" website:
Omega 3 Fish oil is excellent. There is growing evidence that krill oil is even more effective.
Dr Michael Eades writes a good article about krill and inflammation:
As Dr Mike discusses, some take both forms for maximum benefit.
CoQ10 is essential when trying to recover from statin side effects, as ALL statins cause CoQ10 deficiency.
Statins can also cause carnitine depletion. Some take either L-Carnitine or Acetyl L-Carnitine or both.
When one takes a statin, then stops and restarts the same or a different statin (or dose is increased), there is a greater risk for more severe side effects every time the person is re-challenged.
Listen to your body and definitely get a second or third opinion. If you can find a traditional doctor that specializes in naturopathic medicine, they are more likely to help you than to push more drugs and procedures.
Keep a medical journal of all your drugs and their side effects; supplement (which ones help and which one don't); request copies of all you bloodwork and procedures.