* Lipitor years ago, then Zocor and was sick both times
* cholesterol down from 335 to 285
* garlic and flax seed and changing my diet
* reduced my triglycerides from 541 to 188
* continuing supplementation & Weight Watchers committment
Hi Kay,
It's a shame your doctor doesn't recognize that you are taking charge
of your own health. Wow, your results above are excellent!
What is your HDL?
Do you have any risk factors other than elevated cholesterol?
Cholesterol is really NOT the problem...
- Inflammation causes cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis).
"Great Cholesterol Scam"
Your doctor can say you NEED to take Crestor but you DO NOT have to
agree to take any statin that YOU KNOW from previous experience is
going to adversely affect your health. Crestor is the most potent statin
on the market today.
If your doctor is REALLY concerned about your health, ask for the
following tests: homocysteine, hs-CRP, Lp(a). When elevated these risk
factors are better indicators for risk of heart attack and stroke.
Taking statins have not been proven to promote longevity in women
(or the elderly). The primary benefit of statins - they are a potent
anti-inflammatory. The fact that statins also lower cholesterol, is
Please read these two articles by Dr Graveline, PRINT them and take
to your doctor...
Statins and Women:
Statin Alternatives:
Flax Seed Oil: flax seed is a source of omega 3, but does not have the
same anti-inflammatory benefit as pertains to "coronary" inflammation.
Both fish oil and cod liver oil are cardio-protective oils.
Cinnamon & Triglycerides: C. cassia (spice isle variety) is an excellent
way to control triglycerides and blood sugar levels. 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon
daily sprinkled on any food item or take one or two 500 mg capsules.
You've done an excellent job lowering your triglycerides. By taking
cinnamon and limiting the "white" foods, my husband lowered his
trig's from 300 to 150 in 3 months.
White foods: sugar (biggest offender) flour, potato, bread, rice, pasta.
Replace these simple carbs with whole grains (complex carbs):
Examples of whole grains: Brown rice, Bulgur (cracked wheat), Whole
rye, Wild rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Whole-grain barley, Whole oats,
Steel Cut Oatmeal.
Thank you for the info on Yucca.