Took 2.5 mg every other day from about May – Sept 2006 (about 5 months). Last pill was taken on 18 Sept 2006.
Took Vytorin for about 3 weeks just prior to Crestor – quit – LOT of muscle pain.
Took Niaspan ER for about 6 months before Vytorin – did not help cholesterol.
Took Tricor (Fibrate) for about 5 years prior to Niaspan – It helped cholesterol some, not a lot.
First couple of months, not too bad – some muscle pain, but I expected that.
Last 3 months (July-Aug-Sept)
Constant muscle and joint pain in arms, back, shoulders, legs, wrists, ankles, neck – basically all over. Pain getting progressively worse.
Generally non-stop “sickly” feeling
Extremely tired all the time – just want to sleep 12 hours a day – near exhaustion – legs feel like they weigh a ton
Loss of all ambition, incentive, drive – too tired to care
Hands, forearms, feet – numbness, tingling – frequent to constant
Very sensitive skin on upper legs/thighs – burning sensation – sensitive to touch
Blurred vision on occasion and becoming more frequent
Short term memory loss, forgetfulness, mild disorientation/confusion
Occasional “jerking” reflex of whole body
Occasional dark urine which smelled really bad (ammonia like smell)
By the 4th day after stopping CRESTOR, I was starting to feel a little better.
On the 5th day, I felt great. Most pain was gone. Still some numbness/tingling hands, but not as bad as was. Energy levels are returning. Mind is alert and interested again. A bit “hyper” – more energy than I have been used to I guess.
By the 8th day, I am about back to normal. Still some numbness in hands – less frequent now.
12th day – Everything seems normal now except still some occasional numbness in hands and less occasionally in forearms – getting less and less frequent and not as bad as when I was on the CRESTOR. No dark urine since quit the pill.
Hopefully, no lasting damage was done – I’m finished with cholesterol medications!!!!!