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CRESTOR:suffering still
Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:21 pm
by rudy
50 yrs. old now, 25 days on crestor, one yr. lateri still have pain all over, in my muscles and joints, mostly in my hips, i have a hard time walking, can not work full time, i had many tests, tried lots of meds, med bills, drug costs, i now have high blood presure,severe gout, still suffering, are there any cures, what legal action can I take? HELP
Re: CRESTOR:suffering still
Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:09 pm
by sos_group_owner
Hi Rudy,
Crestor is the most potent statin on the market today.
Your list of unresolved adverse effects: high blood pressure, severe gout, pain all over (still suffering)... all of these can be caused by any of the statins.
Are you taking:
* CoQ10?
* Carnitine (either L-Carnitine or Acetyl L-Carnitine)?
Did your tests include CK or CPK &/or muscle biopsy?
Have you been diagnosed with Rhabdomylosis?
Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:21 pm
by tex62
See a reply that I posted under Neuropathy and Statins
My husband suffered from all the things you listed when he was taking Zocor and Tricor. He had muscle and hip pain, severe gout that caused a torn cartilage in his knee resulting in surgery, high blood pressure and other symptoms – sexual decline, extreme sensitivity to cold, unexpected weight loss (mostly muscle), pain in his hands and arms that didn’t improve with pain medication, difficulty sleeping because of pain, involuntary jerky movements when he was able to sleep, weakness, and ashy gray skin tone rather than his normal ruddy, healthy skin tone. Any type of physical activity caused greater pain.
It took about nine months, but my husband made a full recovery. If you’re not already doing so, it’s important for you to take CoQ10 supplements and L-Carnitine. See my post at the link above.
Best wishes.
Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:55 am
by Cat Mom2
I saw a post somewhere, where someone had seen a lawyer and was told they have no case because they didn't die... I think if we all hang in there long enough, we WILL get satisfaction for the damage their poisin did to us. I think the other shoe is going to fall and all their cover ups exposed. This will be as big as what happened to the tobacco companies, especially when the government and insurance companies realize what this drug is costing them.
The ripple effect of this is going to be far, wide and costly!
Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:10 pm
by SusieO
As far as I know only folks taking (or took) Lipitor can be part of a lawsuit. An attorney in NY has my information, but I called them the other day and he didn't sound real positive about anything and told me to look in to an attorney in my area (GA).
I was hoping for better news when I made the call! Doc Graveline was kind enough to point me in the direction of this law office. Maybe they were having an off day and I will hear something down the road...who knows!