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ALA for neuropathy?
Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:14 am
by BSGfan
Has anyone here had good results using alpha lipoic acid to combat neuropathy symptoms?
Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:41 pm
by harley2ride
I take a supplement from vitacost, called mitoch booster. It contains that and other things which I need. I used to take it all separately, but it is nice to take a handfull less of pills each day, and I've been doing it for over a year now, and it seems to work every bit as good as doing the stuff individually.
Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:06 pm
by catspajamas
I found out about ala in a support group for neuropathy...I have been taking it since then...I can't say that it has helped a lot, but I am slowly improving, I think....least it won't hurt and may and I say may help......
Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:09 am
by adec
I often see alpha-lipoic acid recommended to be taken in tandem with carnitine. Otherwise those free radicals generated by carnitine remain unchecked. R-lipoic acid might be even more effective, as much as 10x more. I've never personally tried r-lipoic only the standard stuff.
Alpha-lipoic acid is also well-regarded for neuropathy, and the science is very sound. Although, I think there are better substances for neuropathy, for instance: alpha-GPC on an empty stomach, inosine, forskolin, royal jelly, and vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin.
Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:28 am
by Brian C.
I am taking R-alpha lipoic acid as K-RALA from UK vendor
Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:24 pm
by harley2ride
The single most thing that has helped me, is NADH. I take 5mg daily. I can stop taking almost all my other stuff for a few days, and notice a slight difference. But if I stop the NADH, it is extremely noticable... My MDA doc is the one who got me started on the NADH. I have tried stopping it two or three times, and each time, I hurry to get back on it.. It makes a very big difference for me, and my doc says it does for many of his other patients.
Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:38 am
by adec
NADH is really great. I just wish it wasn't so cost prohibitive. Though NAD should be cheaper and have a similar effect. Low-dose niacin (as an NADH and NAD precursor) would be another decent way of indirectly increasing NADH. NADH is the activated and reduced form of niacin, while NAD is the oxidized form of niacin.
Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:42 am
by Brian C.
I have recently upped my intake of NADH to 20mg/day since my energy & stamina seems on a slow decline in spite of the daily raft of supplements. Even moderate exertion has become unpleasant over the last few months.
Earlier today I was speaking to a doctor who runs the lab that can carry out the more "esoteric" tests in London. He had recently dined with Bruce Ames so I asked if a test for heme a deficiency was possible. Unfortunately his answer was "no". He has sent my endocrinologist the necessary for CoQ10 level and "Health Risk Profile" testing which I will undergo shortly.
Surprisingly he hadn't heard of Dr Langsjoen (!)
Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:01 pm
by vipergg22
I would also like to hear about anyone else who is using ala with any success , just got a bottle of 600 mg ALA supplements , hopefully it might help some or slow down the decline .
Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:31 pm
by harley2ride
Vitacost is the least expensive source of NADH I have found. Their shipping is $4.95, and if you watch you can find discount codes on the internet. I usually buy a 90 day supply of my Nadh at a time. Seems like it has been about $14.00 per 30 pack...
Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:41 pm
by Brian C.
"Earlier today I was speaking to a doctor who runs the lab that can carry out the more "esoteric" tests in London. He had recently dined with Bruce Ames so I asked if a test for heme a deficiency was possible. Unfortunately his answer was "no". He has sent my endocrinologist the necessary for CoQ10 level and "Health Risk Profile" testing which I will undergo shortly.
Surprisingly he hadn't heard of Dr Langsjoen (!)"
Belated update. It turned out that this doctor, Dr Miller of BioLab, lied to me as part of an obvious fob off. I will not therefore be participating in any future tests.
"All professions are conspiracies against the laity" (G.B.Shaw, "The Doctor's Dilemma").
Adding triacetyluridine to the NADH, ALA etc. These are for mitochondrial support, not specifically to address neuropathy (which hopefully I have avoided).
Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:25 pm
by adec
Thanks for the updates Brian.
BTW, shopping at, use the code aetna608 for 8% off your order. Click through and recieve an additional 5% cash back.
Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:38 pm
by cjbrooksjc
adec: Thanks. Good to know. And I thought cigarettes (when I smoked) was an expensive habit!
Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:58 am
by Brian C.
Thanks adec but I seem to remember trying to purchase through Vitacost last year but being unable to because of my UK location. I'll go back and check if this is still the case.