by harley2ride » Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:23 pm
Well, so much for the visit to Salt Lake. The neurologist at University Hospital made me feel like it was all in my head. First he told me that I could not have developed the allergies that I have to two different pain medications (even after I explained to him that I tried them three other times with no other medications, and had the same allergic reaction. Then he tried telling me that I haven't really lost any strength. Humm... Two years ago I was benching 160, leg pressing 400, curling 110. Now I can barely bench 60, leg press 200, and curl 40. After 3 1/2 minutes on an excercise bike, my legs give out completely. They just stop. Two years ago, I was riding exercise bike at setting 3, going 6 1/2 miles in 14 minutes. After that I was able to play basket ball. And when I told him that 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with severe myopathy and neurologic muscle damage at Scripps Memorial, he said they must not have been valid tests. I'm starting to wonder if this doctor is funded by Astra Zeneca.
It's frustrating enough to have this problem, let alone, have doctors tell you that what you are saying is happening to you, can't be. I guess it's just my imagination that I wake my wife up with my moaning 3 times a night because I moved or started having muscle spasms. Just to get to sleep, I have to take Ambitriptin, Restoral, and Darvocet. Even then it takes about two hours before I can get to sleep. Then in the morning, I'm dragging butt until around 10:00am. It's just a coincidence that this all started within 8 days of starting on Crestor.
While he was giving me the EMG, all muscles reacted pretty much the same, except for my left arm which has been extremely painful and been having spasms and cramps almost constantly. During the EMG, even at rest, it was clicking like a geiger counter with uranium. The doctor had the nerve to tell me I was making it do that. Gee. Why didn't I do the same thing with the other muscles he tested. There goes another $5000.00 out of pocket, for a doctor to scratch his head and say I need more tests.
I hope that you all have better luck with doctors than I'm having. This really sucks.