You have mentioned Vinpocetine in this post and another one recently. I have been looking into it off and on for several weeks after reading Dr. Graveline's comments found at the following URL (with the applicable text included right below).
"Strong consideration should be given to the use
of Vinpocetine (aka Cavinton) 5-10 mg twice daily.
This supplement was introduced into clinical practice
in Europe more than two decades ago for its role in
cerebrovascular disorders associated with memory
impairment and related symptoms. Experiments
with vinpocetine indicate that it can dilate blood
vessels, enhance circulation in the brain, improve
oxygen utilization, make red blood cells more pliable,
and inhibit aggregation of platelets. Vinpocetine even
has antioxidant properties. More compelling by far is
the imposing list of references documenting its
benefits. Many products are cited as beneficial in
memory enhancement but very few have the
documentation available for Vinpocetine."
--Dr. Graveline
I plan to order from this location. Note the three hyperlinks lower on the page titled "Related Articles for Vinpocetine" which discuss some research on the supplement.