Alternative Treatment That Works

A forum to discuss cholesterol and the meaning of blood cholesterol levels.

Alternative Treatment That Works

Postby dqfeat » Wed May 07, 2008 8:28 pm

October 2007 I had my annual blood work. My total Cholesterol was 235 with an LDL of 170 (which was higher than I had ever seen it). I took it upon myself to start a regimen on my own. I started taking 600 mg of Red Yeast Rice, 1200 mg of Flax Seed Oil, B-Complex vitamins and a separate B-12 vitamin along with a Tbs of Lecithin each night dissolved in Soy Milk, which I always drink instead of milk. I also eat several small helpings of walnuts, almonds, and pistatchios daily. After 3 months on this regimen, I decided to get my blood tested. My tests came out all normal! Total Cholesterol was 194, HDL 86, LDL 97 and Triglicerides 50. I had started eating more fish and chicken, but overall haven't changed my diet that much. I have no side effects from this regimen and believe this is what I will stay on as it seems to work.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed May 07, 2008 9:16 pm

dqfeat: You should know that Red Yeast Rice works exactly as a Statin does to lower cholesterol because it IS a statin. There is no reason to believe RYR will not eventually result in the same sort of mito injury. Listen carefully to your body.

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Postby SusieO » Sun May 11, 2008 7:37 pm

dqfeat; if RYR works for you then you are lucky - most of us can't take it. i think each one of us has to find our own way of dealing with the statin damage because it sure seems what may work for one will not necessarily work for all of us.

my problems are much better, but any time i change my supplement intake they all come back full force. it is a fine line i seem to have to walk to stay stronger.

please keep us informed on your progress!
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