by Biologist » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:56 pm
Excellent article. I had not read this one before. I plan to read it once a month for a while and send it to some people. Well written and hits all the bases. Very convincing.
One thing I liked was the reminder of what can be in animal fat these days (e.g., hormones, antibiotics), otherwise, it's one of the best forms of protein and fat as far as I am concerned. I may start getting all beef and pork products in "organic" form again as I did a while this summer. More expensive, but I think I will do it anyway and just cut back a bit. Eggs will be the protein replacement for me. They are hard to beat. Just for the hell of it, an experiment I may do this summer is to check my cholesterol (via online labs with the "spit" test tubes), then start eating eight eggs per day for as long as I can stand it, then retest cholesterol numbers. I bet my numbers stay the same. I'll let you know in a few months.
I like the way he explains "odd" cholesterol numbers as being a sign of problms rather than a cause of problems. He did an excellent job of that. I had played around once with trying to articulate it in as few words as he did. I would not have beat what he did. Nice.
Thanks for posting it.
I am sold on vitamin C. Thanks for being its tireless advocate for months. Actually, until reading Brooks article, if asked if it alone would lower cholesterol (by doing the repair work correctly in the vasculature rather than the old cholesterol substitution) I would not have known for sure. Now I do, and it sure makes sense. I am pleased that I have been taking 4 to 6 grams per day (1000 mg averaging about every couple of hours or so -- I just keep them in my pocket), and have been taking L-Lysine and L-Proline regularly for many months. Last time checked, my numbers were excellent -- much better than while on Zocor.
Have you heard from Jeff? How long has he been out of communication?