Hi there David,
that was a great link, this sort of easy to read and descriptive type of article is exactly what I would have liked to have come across when I was looking for the cause of my problems.
Remember I had and still have memory issues as well as physical ones, so this is the level that I can relate to in reading information most days (at least without reading up all the references etc).
Not so long ago, I couldn't follow a lot of what was being talked about when all the medical terminology or abbreviations were being used, I would think that there are a lot of people just like myself who would also struggle with over complicated terminology since taking statins, plain speaking is always good to see as in that article
Hi there Lars,
just like yourself David does a lot of research and follows references on these matters. There were many postings here that would make a doctor struggle to understand with all the correct terminology and many abbreviation that people like myself would have to keep googling to see what the heck was being talked about. Thankfully David and others toned it down so that people like myself could follow what was being discussed, any references that were needed could be found in most of their links to the subject.
The information provided in the above link is essentially an easy to digest version of many of the subjects that have been published and some of which have even been discussed here in the past. I think anyone reading it will see in plain English that there is something very wrong and hopefully look even further for more information, with a bit of luck they will come across site like this one and get assistance if they require it.
It is good to know that many of the folk here actually know the ins and outs of these subjects, it is also good that the information that has been learned is also put into plain English for easy reading for the rest of us
Bloody Statins and ongoing problems!
All the best and Happy New Year in a few hours time,