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More Memory Related Problems.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:44 pm
by harley2ride
Even after 3 years of being off statins, and all the problems they have caused me, it seems a new one has cropped up. Twice in three weeks now, I have been sitting and talking to someone, and then I just go completely away, hallucinations, muscles go completely limp, yet I carry on some odd sort of conversation. Hours later, or next morning, I can remember absolutely nothing of what occurred. All I can remember is that one minute I was talking to someone, and the next minute, I woke up in bed the next morning. I hope no one else has had these type of problems. Get to go in tomorrow for an EEG, and then see another neurologist.

I had previous bouts over the past years with writing numbers backwards, and off and on forgetfullness, but this is just crazy...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:38 pm
by cjbrooksjc
harley2ride: I wish you well. Vinpocetine, DHEA, and, guess what, cholesterol all help memory and brain function. You might consider still more oral supplements. Still, what you describe sounds frightening, and I hope you get a recovery prognosis as a result of the EEG.

Best regards,


PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:48 pm
by SusieO
Harley I wish you all the best with your test! Please let us know what you find out.

What you are describing sounds sort of like what happened to Doc Graveline - a type of amnesia?????

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:59 pm
by harley2ride
It was pretty freaky. My girlfriend said I was talking about seeing butterlifes and birds flying around inside the house. I told her that she had 8 eyes, but that they were all pretty, and that she was pretty good looking for an alien. For a few days, it scared the shit out of her... But now, she kind of gets a chuckle out of it.

I just want to make sure it isn't something that is going to happen while I'm riding my Harley at 70mpg through some mountain road.

Hopefully I will have the results of the eeg sometime early next week.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:29 pm
by Biologist
"I told her that she had 8 eyes, but that
they were all pretty, and that she was
pretty good looking for an alien."

Sounds like you remain clever and tactful even when you space out !

Nice. 8)

Have you tried Vinpocetine?


PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:55 pm
by harley2ride
Had tests done for Hyperthyroid, and EEG. Both results are normal, but I am not. lol Going to give another Neurologist a shot or two at figuring this out, and then I'm giving up on doc's and tests..