There is no really good place to put this post, so, I put it here. If you really want to know if you have plaque-encrusted arteries, or not, there are some very effective, non-invasive methods of assessing this. These are breifly described below.
While these tests do not 100% eleminate the presence of serious plaque buildup somewhere in your arteries (not seen in the areas actually analysed), the do provide a major, objective measure of information. No need to rely on the junk-science pronouncements of the cholesterol scam, based on blood serum levels of cholesterol and the zoo of lipo-protein particles.
There are two major arteries that are close enough to our skins that non-invasive ultrasound doppler methods can be used to determine the extent, if any, of obstruction of these arteries by plaque, etc. One is the carotid arteries on each side of out neck, the other is the femoral arteries than extend down the inside of each thigh. The femoral arteries, as well as their extensions into calf muscles and into feet, etc. can also be studied by a series of blood pressure measurements, allowing assessment of degree of imparement, if any, of blood flow.
I have had both done and am quite pleased with results -- no or very little plaque. Highly useful information to negate doctors prescribing statins!!