I have just returned from over 5 month of cancer treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Dr.'s there do not recommend dietary supplements as they may interfere with treatment. Due to the fact of constantly being ill, I had stopped all supplements about a month before I even got there. All I could tolerate was at the time Jello and Cream of Wheat. The only supplements they recommend is, if the proper test have been done showing a deficiency. I have adhered to their recommendation, at this time feel better then I have in many, many years. (without supplements)
My conclusion is, just as medication, like Statins, can cause severe side effects so can supplements. Proper testing to determine deficiencies before ingesting supplements is a must.
PS. I am in remission, go for bi-monthly follow-ups. MD Anderson is definitely the place to go in a situation like mine. Great Dr.'s, Nurses and Tech's, great facilities and 100% patient oriented.