I was encourgaged to have a test to see what my number(s) were and that resulted in a reading of 326 and expressions of horror on the physician's face. Diet and exercise resulted in a number of 296, so a statin was prescribed to bring the number down. It did: 210.
Over the years, a decade, I was ritually ingesting 40mg of Zocor that caused me some real health troubles, although I can't prove it. Upon finding the truth about statins and their supposed link to atherosclerosis and its concomitant heart disease I threw a hundred dollars worth fo Zocor down the toilet and tore up the prescription for it. I left the services of the doctor as well.
To shorten an already long story I fell upon research by Dr. Thomas Levy, cardiologist, that, supported by hundreds of clinical tests and references, determined atherosclerosis/heart disease to be caused by chronic vitamin C deficiency.
I set about proving, or not, what Dr. Levy was advancing. I underwent an ultrasonographic examination of my carotid and abdominal aortic arteries to get a baseline of existing atherosclerotic lesions. I then embarked on high-dose vitamin C supplementation. A subsequent examination of my arteries after fifteen months of VC therapy showed no progression of the volume of the lesions. A third sonogram at thirty months indicated similar results: No progression of the volume of the lesions. In addition, at thirty months, the attending technician noted that the thickness of the intima of my carotid arteries was uniformly thicker than it had been with no reduction in the area of the lumen.
So, as far as I am concerned, Dr. Levy is right: Heart disease is caused by chronic vitamin C deficiencey...end of story.