Is there any information about combining Lipitor with polycpsanol, then gradually weaning off the Lipitor and later adding niacin (which I believe should not be combined with Lipitor)?
I have no side effects that I am aware of from Lipitor, 20mg, that I have been on for several years. At first my cholesterol and LDL levels plunged, but they have gradually been creeping back up into the high range: 265 and 168 respectively. Since Lipitor doesn't seem to work for me, I figure why subject myself to the potential damage it can do?
Incidentally, I have recently been experiencing lower back and pelvic pain, something I never had before. I don't know if they're related or not but it must be inflammatory since several ibuprofen tabs temporarily fixes it. In any case, as I said, if Lipitor doesn't help, why chance it.
Should I tell my doc of my plans, or just go ahead and substitute polycosanol plus niacin and perhaps garlic supplements. I have a blood test due in about two months, which should show if this is a good idea or not. However, I also believe that quitting Lipitor then restarting it if that becomes necessary increases the risk of side effects. So I'm sort of in a quandry here.