I'm new here so hello everyone.
I'm a female, soon to be 65. Three months ago my doctor put me on Lipitor 20Mg daily. I know it's a small dose but in the past six weeks or so I have been experiencing searing, burning pain in my back on my left side just below my scapula or wing bone. I've tried prescription doses of Ibupropin also aspirin, Tylenol, Advil. It's been so intense that I have tried putting heat on it to alleviate the pain but to no avail.
I recently heard on TV that medicines containing statins, such as Lipitor, can cause muscle inflamation but what from what I read on here and other sites it's pain in the leg muscles or arms. Has anyone experienced bad muscle pain in their backs on one side or the other and could Lipitor be causing it?
This morning I decided to go off this med for a few weeks to see if it's the culprit because I can't take the pain anymore as I must work.
I welcome any comments.