In 1995 I have had a CABG (Coronary Artificial Bypass Graft) operation.One of the conclusions was that I had had FH. My cholestorol level at that moment was 11 (total chol.) My doctor prescribed me ZOCOR but because of the side effect (very cold feet) and the fact that my chol. Level didn’t lower enough he stopped the medication after two years. He prescribed LIPITOR, starting with 40 mg but within 3 months it was raised to 80 mg daily.Then finaly my chol.level lowered to 6. Not enough he said, a level of 3 or 4 was much better for me but 80 mg was the maximum he could give me.
I stopped taking the medicins in the end of 2005. Not in the first place of the side effects because I thought Ididn’t have them. Stopped because of the more and more negative stories about statines (also in Holland). So I used lipitor for almost 9 years, 80 mg daily.
Now I realize that I always had lower back pain and always walked “strange” because of “some” pain in my left leg/hip.
In june 2006, I stopped the lipitor for almost 6 months, the problems seems to increase. Tingling and numbness in both my forearms, hands and legs, couldn’t raise or strech my left upperarm, muscle weaknes in my left lowerleg (can’t raise my foot and no power in my calf), sometimes very cold feet and hands and muscle cramps.And still pain in my lower back.
Went to a neurologist. He made 2 mri scans of the spine and neck and a SEPP and EMG test. Everything was alright.
Is it possible that these problems can occur after stopping the medication for 6 month’s ? And is there something I can do about it?