by cjbrooksjc » Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:48 pm
JoeR: Muscle twitches are common, often occurring in bed at night. Heavy legs, exhaustion, etc. are all common side effects. Foot pain is peripheral nerve involvement. Acetyl L-Carnitine (ACL) is best for nerve damage which takes the longest to resolve. CoQ10 is a must; local stuff is OK, but the best is a Q-Gel version ( a special refining process) called ACTIVE Q ubiquinol (200Mg); this is mfg from a Japanese CoQ10 (Kaneka) that is 100% pure. Some of the available Q10 is Chinese and its purity is suspect. Take one 200Mg cap w/ each meal and 1000 MG (1 gram) of the ACL/day, each and every day until you feel well. I would continue with the C10 at a lower dosage even after you heal. The Q10 is available on the Net at:
Hope I copied that addr right; if not, just go to epic4health and look for the product. Oh yes, remove the * before you try to use the link addr. You should be back to normal within a couple months; yes, MONTHS.