by Ray Holder » Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:07 pm
Hi Jude
Welcome to another post polio, there don't seem to be many of us about on this forum.
I had no muscle pain, only muscle wastage and weakness and I really had a combination of the onset of Post Polio Syndrome simultaneously with statin problems, but post polio was only just beginning to become generally known at the time.
You would be well advised to study the W Australia polio Network site which I pointed out to webito on this thread 4 posts back, and follow their recommendations. There is a lot of helpful advice on the poliowa pages.
I now take a fairly large dose first thing on rising in the morning, and a smaller one at 11.30 and 3.30. If I take any later in the day, I have trouble falling to sleep at night, or getting back to sleep when I get out in the night.
I have built up to the present size dose to keep my very weak back strength at the best possible (but still low) level, and the need to avoid bowel problems, not always totally compatible. I take about 6 grams am, and 2 grams each time later, but I believe that to be a quite high level, and I have a tendency to have angina type chest pains at night if my carnitine is not high enough. Q10 shortage also plays a part here, and sometimes it is difficult to decide which is responsible.
You would probably benefit from more carnitine, Poliowa suggests increasing the daily total dose by 500mg steps , taking 3/4 days between each increase until relief occurs, or your bowels start to object, when you go back one 500mg step. L carnitine seems more suitable for me and for post polios without statin damage. 3grams seems to be a rough average daily dosage.
I am not very active these days, but poliowa suggest adding a little more carnitine before undertaking extra activity to the normal.
You may be interested in my paper to be found in spacedoc index, Fitting the Pieces Together.