by Cathy » Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:59 pm
First get a handicap sticker if you don't already have one. Use a cane, it will help with balance. If you have insurance, push for a wheelchair or a scooter. This does sound drastic, but it will give you some of your independance back. It did me. Acepting all this is really hard, knowing that one 80mg. pill did this to me! I'm 3 years off lipitor, and without high doses of opoides, I still wouldn't be funcutioning. My legs have gone down, but am left with a "tan" from the calfs down. My corodination is getting better, but still can't walk any distance. Dr. told me I might get better, but I might just keep having the same problems, even developing new ones as time goes on. I'm not giving up by any means, just facing what could be, hence the wheelchair ect. I feel I had better get everything I can now, with the way the insurance companies are going and who knows what the future will hold. I also have trouble off and on with my hands working right, to say nothing about my mind takes a vacation some times, just can't think straight. Off my soap box now, hope you have better luck than I'm having......