by pjallittle » Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:00 am
Had a small TIA in mid-January, it was very brief but certainly not to be dismissed. The ER Doctor prescribed aggranox, Altace, a hbp med, and lipitor.
Within no more than a month, I'd suddenly began experiencing a weakness, tingling, slight pain in my left little and ring finger which I'd immediately reported to my physician. He offered exactly zero advice. So, because of a longstanding mistrust of doctors, went off on a search of my own, landing at this site.
I'd probably been taking the lipitor @20mg for approximately 6 weeks and stopped entirely. The condition which I'd describe as a peripheral neuropathy hasn't changed, but the random muscle crampings that I had begun to experience as never before have ceased entirely. Typing on a computer is especially challenging, as [b]a[/b] becomes [b]z[/b] and the Shift key is a nagging problem.
Have I caught this in time to achieve a full recovery? And what is the downside of not keeping the cholesterol in check? These are looming questions which I hope some of your experiences can help me with.