Personality change
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:27 pm
My husband had open heart surgery two years ago. While in the hospital he was given Lipitor and Atenolol. After four or five days he noticed that he was becoming anxious and depressed and asked his doctor if he could have something for this. His doctor refused on the grounds that he was on too many new drugs. He returned home to recover but as time passed became extremely angry and said that he couldn't control his thoughts. He thought he was going crazy. The gentle, loving husband, became an angry tyrant. The children couldn't do anything right. We were constantly critisized and yelled at. It went so far that my once loving husband slapped my then 10 year old son so hard that he was unconcious.
To make a long story short, he "ran" away from home, has told people that the children and I abused him and publicly anounced that I was so abused in my passed life that I was unable to be lived with. My husband is a minister. He now uses his position to slander the children and I without anyone questioning the authenticity of what he says because he IS a minister and ministers don't lie.
Before these drugs my husband couldn't have lied for anything, he was horrified with himself because he had spanked his son ONCE, now he was a raging fury that finds no good in us.
After the first month (post surgery) I told his doctor that he was very angry and depressed. The doctor cut back the Atenolol by a half and told my husband to address his depression. Of course it was too late for any of these measures since by then he believed that the children and I were the new cause of his anger and he couldn't be depressed it was all our fault, so why do anything about it.
I repeatedly tried to contact his doctor, begging for him to remove or change the drugs to no avail. At one point the nurse tod me that since my husband hadn't updated his HIPPA contact list in a year that she would, and removed me from it. This effectively eliminated any personal contact with the doctor.
I actually got my husband to go to counseling with me. After 3 sessions the counselor asked me to stay after Jim stormed out in a screaming rage. The counselor asked me why I stayed in this relationship when I was being so abused. I then told him about the drugs and the doctors refusal to listen.
There have been times that I have lost sight that Jims anger is caused by drugs and my reaction has been far from loving or supportive, but on the whole I have kept in mind that my loving husband was still that deep within and someday he would be back. I told other ministers, when Jim was verbally abusive to people in their churches, that it was the drugs.
A friend of mine wisely suggested that I send a registered letter to the doctor. With her help I wrote a plea for the well being of my husband. Supported by the family pharmacist with the knowledge that one percent of all people meant that one out of one hundred actually had horrible drug reactions, one counselor and Two doctors of psycology(my loving sister being one) with knowledge of drug related personality disorders, friends that knew the Jim of before, Duanne Graveline with his personal support, and the greatest of the energy given by a God that always holds me up, I unashamedly begged the doctor for the removal of Jims drugs.
Well, between a great patient advocate at the heart hosital and my letter, the doctor wrote a letter to Jim telling him to stop all drugs.
For a month Jim then called me and was kind, until he decided to return to other (probably only in name) drugs. Once again he is angry, accusitory and now tells people that his wife is contacting his doctors with malicious lies.
Is there a lawyer anywhere in Nebraska that isn't afraid to take on a doctor that wouldn't listen until all was lost. I have had to sell half of my farm, get a legal seperation from my husband, take him to court for short term financial support, my financial loss has been great, my children have been slandered and hurt beyond compare by the changing of a loving father into a raging terror that ran away (almost driving over a child) and never spoke to them again, instead speaking to anyone that would listen, saying that they abused him!
Drugs that can change a soft spoken, gentle man into an angry nervous wreck that can lie ought to be banned!
Please, for your families, stop before it's too late and you forget that you loved them! Was the surgery necessary or are the drugs? Change your diet, excercise, love your self and your family enough to make the intellegent choice. Life is to precious to waste time experimenting with mental dath. Go drug free and live!
To make a long story short, he "ran" away from home, has told people that the children and I abused him and publicly anounced that I was so abused in my passed life that I was unable to be lived with. My husband is a minister. He now uses his position to slander the children and I without anyone questioning the authenticity of what he says because he IS a minister and ministers don't lie.
Before these drugs my husband couldn't have lied for anything, he was horrified with himself because he had spanked his son ONCE, now he was a raging fury that finds no good in us.
After the first month (post surgery) I told his doctor that he was very angry and depressed. The doctor cut back the Atenolol by a half and told my husband to address his depression. Of course it was too late for any of these measures since by then he believed that the children and I were the new cause of his anger and he couldn't be depressed it was all our fault, so why do anything about it.
I repeatedly tried to contact his doctor, begging for him to remove or change the drugs to no avail. At one point the nurse tod me that since my husband hadn't updated his HIPPA contact list in a year that she would, and removed me from it. This effectively eliminated any personal contact with the doctor.
I actually got my husband to go to counseling with me. After 3 sessions the counselor asked me to stay after Jim stormed out in a screaming rage. The counselor asked me why I stayed in this relationship when I was being so abused. I then told him about the drugs and the doctors refusal to listen.
There have been times that I have lost sight that Jims anger is caused by drugs and my reaction has been far from loving or supportive, but on the whole I have kept in mind that my loving husband was still that deep within and someday he would be back. I told other ministers, when Jim was verbally abusive to people in their churches, that it was the drugs.
A friend of mine wisely suggested that I send a registered letter to the doctor. With her help I wrote a plea for the well being of my husband. Supported by the family pharmacist with the knowledge that one percent of all people meant that one out of one hundred actually had horrible drug reactions, one counselor and Two doctors of psycology(my loving sister being one) with knowledge of drug related personality disorders, friends that knew the Jim of before, Duanne Graveline with his personal support, and the greatest of the energy given by a God that always holds me up, I unashamedly begged the doctor for the removal of Jims drugs.
Well, between a great patient advocate at the heart hosital and my letter, the doctor wrote a letter to Jim telling him to stop all drugs.
For a month Jim then called me and was kind, until he decided to return to other (probably only in name) drugs. Once again he is angry, accusitory and now tells people that his wife is contacting his doctors with malicious lies.
Is there a lawyer anywhere in Nebraska that isn't afraid to take on a doctor that wouldn't listen until all was lost. I have had to sell half of my farm, get a legal seperation from my husband, take him to court for short term financial support, my financial loss has been great, my children have been slandered and hurt beyond compare by the changing of a loving father into a raging terror that ran away (almost driving over a child) and never spoke to them again, instead speaking to anyone that would listen, saying that they abused him!
Drugs that can change a soft spoken, gentle man into an angry nervous wreck that can lie ought to be banned!
Please, for your families, stop before it's too late and you forget that you loved them! Was the surgery necessary or are the drugs? Change your diet, excercise, love your self and your family enough to make the intellegent choice. Life is to precious to waste time experimenting with mental dath. Go drug free and live!