A few questions and a bit about me...
Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 11:34 am
Hello, I am new to this forum, I recently found out I have diabetes type 2, I was quickly put on Lipitor 10 mg a day and told I had to be on it because I have diabetes as well as high cholesterol, I did not think my cho was all that bad however the doctor insisted and scared me into thinking I needed the Lipitor,
My reading at the time I was put on Lipitor was as follows - Cholesterol count was 181 - LDL was 109 - HDL was 32 Triglyceride was 198,.. Are my readings that bad that I really needed to be on Lipitor??? is the question I have, also does Lipitor really help woman???
I am 40 yrs old and feel I am to young to be on this type of med, However my doctor said it was nessessary due to being diabetic, I am seriously after finding this site thinking I should stop takeing it, I have noticed that since takeing Lipitor simple things like pulling the plug to my blow dryer is a bit of a effort and I have pull at it a few times to get it out of the socket, as before Lipitor I had no prob grabbing it and pulling it out, Even something as simple as picking up a gallon of milk weighs heavy on my arms it feels as though I have become weak lately, I have been on Lipitor for a lil over 2 months now, I go back for a 3 month bloodwork check in june to see how I am doing, I would appreciate any feedback I can get pertaining to my Cho levels listed above... Thank you...
My reading at the time I was put on Lipitor was as follows - Cholesterol count was 181 - LDL was 109 - HDL was 32 Triglyceride was 198,.. Are my readings that bad that I really needed to be on Lipitor??? is the question I have, also does Lipitor really help woman???
I am 40 yrs old and feel I am to young to be on this type of med, However my doctor said it was nessessary due to being diabetic, I am seriously after finding this site thinking I should stop takeing it, I have noticed that since takeing Lipitor simple things like pulling the plug to my blow dryer is a bit of a effort and I have pull at it a few times to get it out of the socket, as before Lipitor I had no prob grabbing it and pulling it out, Even something as simple as picking up a gallon of milk weighs heavy on my arms it feels as though I have become weak lately, I have been on Lipitor for a lil over 2 months now, I go back for a 3 month bloodwork check in june to see how I am doing, I would appreciate any feedback I can get pertaining to my Cho levels listed above... Thank you...