Hi QueenBee & Welcome to the Forum,
It's not unusual for long term statin users to experience adverse effects.
Even though you are supplementing with CoQ10, it's not always enough
to replace the CoQ10 that is lost from taking statins. My husband
supplemented with CoQ10 while taking Lipitor for 5 years (after 3 years
of Zocor) and still has persistent memory loss after stopping statins 2
years ago.
My questions are:
1. What can I take to help repair any damage that might have already
been done?
*** CoQ10 ***
CoQ10 should be in gelcaps (liquid) and NOT powdered in a capsule.
CoQ10 is most effective when taken with the fattiest meal, vit E or oil.
Take as much as you can afford.
CoQ10 can lower BP, so if you are taking a BP med, monitor BP as
you increase CoQ10 dose.
*** Acetyl L-Carnitine or L-Carnitine ***
Ray Holder wrote an excellent explantion of these two different forms of
L-Carnitine in this post:
AND Dr Graveline discusses Carnitine in his article:
"Genetic Susceptibility to Statin Drugs"
http://www.spacedoc.net/genetic_suscept ... atins.html
2.What do you consider the best natural way keep the cardio system
* Replace statins with Dr Graveline's "Statin Alternatives":
The one benefit of statins is they are a potent anti-inflammatory.
The fact that statins also lower cholesterol is "irrelevant". Statins
Alternatives are not designed to lower cholesterol (cholesterol is
NOT the problem)...
Statin Alternatives provide the anti-inflammatory equivilant of
Lipitor 20 mg without side effects.
Policosanol does have anti-inflammatory properties (as well as
antiviral, and neuroprotective properties) , so although Policosanol
did not affect your cholesterol levels, you were probably receiving
it's anti-inflammatory benefits.
Some info about Policosanol:
Re: I already take 1000 mg Vit C, folic acid, Vit E and fish oil.
EXCELLENT... all of these are very important too.
Vitamin E: d-Alpha (not dl-Alpha) - Mixed Tocotrienols & Tocopherols preferred
Fish Oil: fish oil or cod liver oil
Vitamin C: ascorbic acid (not ester C)
When you get a chance, Dr Graveline has written numerous "topic
specific" articles... invaluable information and advice.