Memory Loss, how to diagnose, how long to get better?
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:19 pm
My mother-in-law who will be 70 next month has had moderate to severe memory loss. She calls people 2-3 times a day, doesn't remember etc. Gets very confused. She has been tested by a Memory Specialist and all he says is that she has a spot on her brain in the memory area, but it isn't a tumor, etc. So she has "memory loss" and I'll see you in 6 months, oh and here's a prescription for Aricept.
My husband knew she was on Lipitor (Novastatin) and we talked her into going off it. She was actually starting to do better...much more with it when we talked to her.
Well, wonderful memory Dr. tells her she should go back on the Statin as it must be needed if her primary Dr. told her to take it. So less than a month after getting her off the darn Statins, she is back on and low and behond...more confused than ever!!!
Any advise on how to get these Drs. to listen..and at least try to see if going off the drug will help??
How long before most people see any improvement after going off these dangerous drugs??
Can the Statins cause the brain to actually get "damaged", like what showed in her MRI??
Any insight, ideas, suggestions and personal stories/advise would be appreciated. We are beside ourselves knowing that this Memory "Expert" can't even think about getting her to go off and see if she shows any improvement. Why are these Drs. so darn stubborn about admitting this drug could be more bad than good??
I just don't get's got to be is the only motivation that would make sense...that and twisted pride/ego??
Thanks for your help.
My husband knew she was on Lipitor (Novastatin) and we talked her into going off it. She was actually starting to do better...much more with it when we talked to her.
Well, wonderful memory Dr. tells her she should go back on the Statin as it must be needed if her primary Dr. told her to take it. So less than a month after getting her off the darn Statins, she is back on and low and behond...more confused than ever!!!
Any advise on how to get these Drs. to listen..and at least try to see if going off the drug will help??
How long before most people see any improvement after going off these dangerous drugs??
Can the Statins cause the brain to actually get "damaged", like what showed in her MRI??
Any insight, ideas, suggestions and personal stories/advise would be appreciated. We are beside ourselves knowing that this Memory "Expert" can't even think about getting her to go off and see if she shows any improvement. Why are these Drs. so darn stubborn about admitting this drug could be more bad than good??
I just don't get's got to be is the only motivation that would make sense...that and twisted pride/ego??
Thanks for your help.