I am very glad for this forum. I have been on Lipitor for 4 yrs. I have recently found out the side affects. How scary. I think I can now attribute my problems to this statin drug. Since Oct 2, 2006 I have been paralyzed on my right side from my rib cage down, in Nov. my left leg started burning severely, from tips of toes to low back. I have pain in my thorasic area, feels like s softball is stuck in there. I have had test after test and all are coming back negative except for the MRI of my T7-T8 area, it shows inflammation of the spinal cord. The doctors are stumped, they have no idea. I am going to Colorado to see a Neurologist there that deals with some of these problems so hopefully we will get some answers. Iam nervous, but its time to know what is happening. I have been off Lipitor for 5 weeks now. I know they say you should gradually work yourself of them but I quit cold turkey. I had no problem. My pain is no where near where it was, my neck has stopped spasming and my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore. Hopefully in time the rest of the pain will go away too.