My father was taken to the emergency room unable to walk. the doctor uped his Lipitor from 20mg to 40mg. He was on this dosage for about 2 1/2 weeks when he got sick. nausea, vomiting some pain in elbow, hips and sholders. he stopped taking it the day after symptoms started. His legs and feet started to go numb and feel like sand paper. they kept getting worse until he could not stand or walk. He says it feels like they are asleep. both thighs and his left calf and feet. He is now walking with a walker and nurses assiting him with a belt so he does not callapse. his right leg seems to regaining some stength and his left leg a little. he says that his feet are starting to feel more normal. He can kick and move his legs just fine but is umable to support any weight. the phisical theapist say he has muscle tone but it is like the muscles are not getting the message from the brain. i guess my question is has anybode else experieced not being able to walk completely. Can the neuropathy be so bad that it can do this? Everybody else seems to complain about the pain being so bad that they have trouble walking. This is not the case with my father. He is not feeling hardly any pain, just numbness and some tingling.
Should he see a neurologist? Any information will be welcomed