Lipitor and Blood Pressure
Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:00 pm
by DW
I started Lipitor, only 10mg per day, 90 days ago. My blood pressure today is 113/78; a couple of months ago it was 145/80--is there a relationship?
Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:31 am
by SusieO
Do you check your blood pressure on a daily basis? They only way to know is to have had records of your b/p before starting Lipitor as well as a daily record while you are taking it.
Your b/p is good today and even what you say it was before you started is a good reading (top # could be a bit lower).
Watch for other signs/side effects that may not have a positive outcome and I wish you the best!
Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:49 am
by Ray Holder
One of the very few real benefits of statins is the ability to act similarly to Nitric oxide in keeping arteries open (vaso-dilator), so that may account for lowered B/P, but, as Susie says, beware the wolf in sheep's clothing, don't let side effects creep up on you insidiously and unrecognised. The sooner you see them for what they are and remove the cause, the better for your long term health prospects.