What are you taking that helps?
Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:56 pm
by Cathy
I was on lipitor 80mg for 4 years, then all the problems hit me. My Dr.s know nothing. They have me on fentynal for pain, percocet, muscle relaxer, you name it, I,m probably on it. I take 900mgs of COQ 10 and that has helpped the neuropathy alot. I still have pain, tiredness, fatigue, memory problems, knee problems ect. So what suppliments should I try? I quit lipitor on my own 5 years ago, but feel my life has changed forever, if there is hope that I might return to " ME ", I'll try anything.... so if you would please list the things your trying it would be helpful, maybe get some hope back!
Thanks in advance, Cathy
Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:30 am
by Ray Holder
Hi Cathy
Have you tried Carnitine for your muscle pain and weakness, it is the most essential supplement after Q10 as it is so necessary for muscle energy supply and for clearing out the energy production waste products, thus avoiding painful lactic acidosis if this clearance is not taking place.
More details will be found in the subject Muscle Pain and statins about April/May 2006, postings by Darrell and myself.
Hoping you get some improvement
Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:03 am
by Cat Mom2
Ack! You have been off for 5 years and are still having problems? THAT much later? Drats!! I will soon be off a year and it is still attacking my joints and has settled in my right shoulder and leaves my right arm useless at times. I finally broke down and went to the doctor after 3 months of it and nothing showed up on the X-ray, which I expected and no meds yet have helped with it.. next he wants a MRI so I am still in the medical community linning their pockets due to these drugs.