by Cindy54NC » Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:23 pm
[quote="laff66"]Has anyone else had this happen? I was at about 220 when I started Lipitor a few years ago. The medicine dropped it to 165. I took it for a few years, and now I've been off of it for 4 or 5 months, and my cholesterol is almost 270!!
Please let me know if you've experienced this, and if so, did it go back down?[/quote]Total choelsterol, when calculating risk, is pretty much meaningless. What are your HDL and LDL numbers, and most important, what is your Triglyceride level?
Triglycareides are thought now to be the most important, maybe even the only important, leve of the lipid profile. High Tri's are directly related to high carbohydrate intake, and can be easily lowered by simply cutting way back on sugar and starch intake. Swap out your high starch fruits and veggies for lower carb ones and avoid all processed carbs.
In the prescence of high Tri's your body will most likely produce mainly small, dense, dangerous LDL particles, whereas keeping your tri's low promotes the production of the bigger, denser, more beneficial type of LDL.
HDL is important, the higher the better. This can be increased by lowering your carbohydrate intake, exercising, and avoiding all trans-fats.
High cholesterol is not necesarily bad. Your body requires cholesterol to create each and every cell in your body. It's important in the production of hormones and a lack of it can result in illness.
If you are concerned about heart disease, ask your doc to check your CPK and homocystine levels. Eat as natural a diet as possible, and exercise.
My total went up after stopping Lipitor, but has now a high number, but my other levels are fantastic.