by Ray Holder » Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:24 pm
Hi Patmac and welcome.
I suspect that 200mg of Q10 in oil based capsules each day should be sufficient for you, but more may be necessary in some cases, I take 700 mg a day, but I have heart problems as well, and it only goes to waste if you don't need it.
As for L Carnitine, I believe that 500 mg capsules are available in USA, tablets didn't work for me, they dissolve too slowly. Start with one or two a day, first thing in the morning, best 1/2hour before food, and after 3 days, if not fully improved , (unlikely) add another one. and so on until either you feel sufficiently better, or your bowels object, in which case, reduce by one tablet. (unlikely to happen under 2 grams a day) I take 6 grams a day, but I have a far greater need due to previous polio. Some take larger doses spread out over the day, but try not to take them within 2 hours after a meal, and then try to fit it in at least 1/2 hour before eating, a tall order sometimes, but do the best you can within reason.
I very much doubt if you will find a doctor who understands the need for Q10 and carnitine, Dr Peter Langsjoen in Tyler, Texas, is the world expert on Q10, but you may be nowhere near him. I have been battling for over 5 years to get the message across to the medical profession, but drug co financed research has such a loud and biassed voice that it needs an earthquake to counter it. (I just might have set off such a shake up with a letter I have just despatched, but must wait and see)
Hoping you get relief,