
A message board to discuss personal experiences of Vytorin and its side effects.


Postby confused » Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:18 pm

I went to the dr's six weeks ago for a fluttering in my chest--he prescribed Atenolol and had cholesterol blood test done. five days later I complained about fatigue and leg pains--he cut the 25ml of Atenolol to 12.5 and put me on Vytorin 10/20. After two weeks i was so fatigued and all my muscles hurt so he stopped the vytorin. This week I couldn't even get out of bed so i went to see him and he stopped the Atenolol. But he order blood tests for fatigue and he is now saying that my thyroid function is below normal and he wants to put me on synthroid--i have refused. My ? is how long do these Beta's and statins stay in your system and do they effect your thyroid too? please help[/list]
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Reply for "Confused"

Postby sos_group_owner » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:28 am

Hi Confused,

Hypothroidism is a common causes of high cholesterol. High cholesterol
is not the problem, it can be the "symptom".
It's a shame your doctor didn't test your thyroid first.

Please read this UMMC article:

Thyroid hormones are closely linked with heart rate and heart output.
Might explain the "fluttering in your chest". Heart flutters can also be due to stress.

Please read Dr Graveline articles...
Statin Alternatives (control inflammation):
Stopping Statins:

Statins clear from the body, but adverse effects can linger. CoQ10
deficiency is the primary reason for statin side effects.

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Postby annshep » Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:54 am

I realize this message is a few months old but couldn't help but add my two cents.

My husband just started statin drugs, despite my pleas and requests that we find other alternatives. Now, just 4 weeks later, he got up experiencing symptoms very similar to hypothyroidism, something I'm very familiar with, since it runs in my family.

He also admitted to feeling "off" for the last week. Believe me, it is not something he has ever experienced before. It is not something that has been lurking in the background. He has always had a high metabolism rate, normal blood pressure, extremely healthy body, except for a 209 cholestoral which just now decided to become 223.

After a year of low fat dieting it's still up there, with low "good" cholestorol levels and rather high triglycerides so he didn't feel he could put off the pressure from the dr. any longer.

I am thoroughly disgusted and, of course, he is now stopping the drug. I'm just wondering if the numbness, weakness, fatigue, etc. is going to go away??
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Postby Darrell » Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:24 am

It's very likely that the side effects will go away considering how quickly you caught them. [This is why, on average, married people live longer than single people.]
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Reply for "annshep"

Postby sos_group_owner » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:04 pm

Re: After a year of low fat dieting it's still up there, with low "good" cholestorol levels and rather high triglycerides so he didn't feel he could put off the pressure from the dr. any longer.

Hi "annshep",

The good old "low fat, low cholesterol, high carb diet" ~ "strikes again" saga! I don't mean to make light of your situation, but I see the same story time and time again. The low fat, low cholesterol, high carb diet is what's keeping everyone SICK.

A low fat diet CAUSES low HDL, especially when the diet is low in saturated fat. Healthy sources of saturated fat: butter and coconut oil. Olive oil is good and a healthy choice also.

Eating foods containing cholesterol does NOT CAUSE high cholesterol.
Whole eggs (most contain even more beneficial omega 3 now); beef, pork, bacon (contain the highest amounts of beneficial acetyl L-Carnitine), nuts & seeds are nutrient rich... I could go on, but the point is... We've been told NOT to eat the foods that are the healthy and nutritious. Some references at the end of this post.

Eating the low fat, low cholesterol diet teaches us to consume a high carb diet. A high carb diet is the number one CAUSE of high triglycerides, especially the "white foods". Sugar is the biggest offender, followed by white flour, bread, potato, rice and pasta.

Many obtain statin AE (adverse effects) relief from a combination of CoQ10 and Acetyl L-Carnitine. CoQ10 should be in gelcap form (not powdered in a capsule), contain some vitamin E, taken with vitamin E or with the fattiest meal of the day. Vitamin E should be natural d-Alpha and not synthetic dl-Alpha.

Acetyl L-Carnitine contains all the components necessary for metabolism than just L-Carnitine alone.

I created a Nutritional Supplements table:
http://www.freewebs.com/stopped_our_sta ... stable.htm

Also read Dr Graveline's article~ Statin Alternatives:



Nuts & Seed Nutritional Composition:

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Question regarding this issue

Postby lisamrego » Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:37 pm

I keep having the symptoms of hypothyroidism but my blood tests show my thyroid levels as fine. I have been taking statins (all different brands) for over 10 years now (genetic high cholesterol) - since I was 18. I have had many of the symptoms listed everywhere for all of them but the worst is the issues related to the thyroid. Does anyone have a suggestion to get my doctor to take this seriously since my blood tests don't back up my physical feelings?
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Reply for "lisamrego"

Postby sos_group_owner » Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:31 pm

Hi "lisamrego"

Most doctors just order a few thyroid tests and if they come back normal or
near normal, they don't persue any further testing. Hypothyroidism is a
common (and often undiagnosed) cause of high cholesterol.

And hypothyroidism causes high cholesterol, not the other way around.

Tests & additional links at the bottom of the page:

Hypothyroidism and high cholesterol: Any connection?

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Postby Ray Holder » Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:59 am

I believe that the lowering of CoQ10 by statin use can affect the working of several other body systems, such as carnitine, insulin, and thyroid production. A good start would be to take a good dose of Q10, if you are unable to stop the statins, it should perk up your thyroid, and will help to stop your LDL from getting oxidised as well.

Ray Holder
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