Problems after 2 months on Vytorin

A message board to discuss personal experiences of Vytorin and its side effects.

Problems after 2 months on Vytorin

Postby jmr » Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:42 pm

I am a 60 year old female (post menapause). My previous doctor prescribed Vytorin as my cholesterol was around 226. (High cholestoral runs in my family but both my parents are in their late 80s and in fairly good health so I wasn't keen to start taking a drug but my doctor insisted).I started taking the drug in early November. In mid-January I started feeling very tired and depressed (I have a history of depression and was currently taking Prozac so thought that perhaps I needed a dosage change). By early February, I was so tired I could barely get out of bed. I started to feel a fullness, then an ache in my upper right side, just under the ribs, both front and back. I have a history of kidney stones and thought I was in for another bout. The pain became really quite intense so I went to the emergency room. A CT scan and ultrasound showed what might be a radiolucent kidney stone. An extensive panel of blood tests showed everything else was normal. I was prescribed a painkiller, told to consult a Urologist and sent home. I saw a Urologist who did another ultrasound and said no kidney stone was or ever had been present. About 2 weeks ago I saw a new doctor who changed my Prozac to Wellbutrin, did further blood tests and all have come back normal. He said he was at a loss and thought perhaps I had a virus (there was a slight implication that it might all be in my head - I've only seen him a couple of times as I moved here late last year). The pain continues off and on - not as severe, more like a dull ache, but the exhaustion and depression continues and now I have cramp-like pains in both calves and some of my fingers seem stiff and arthritic.
From everything I've read in you forums, I think I should stop taking Vytorin immediately. Can anyone tell me how soon I should (hopefully) feel an improvement and whether there's anything I can take/do to hasten the process. I really do feel so despondant at the moment. Sorry this posting is so long.
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Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:01 pm

Reply for "JMR"

Postby sos_group_owner » Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:57 am


Dr Graveline recommends tapering off statins when you want to stop.
Statins prevent "inflammaiton and "platelet stickiness" and tapering off reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Cut the pills in half and take a 1/2 pill daily for the first week.
Second week take 1/2 pill every other day and the third week 1/2 pill every third day. This allows the body to adjust.

All your side effects are "classic" statins adverse reactions.
Did your doctor to a CK or CPK blood test? Elevations can indicate statins are causing muscle damage. Some need a muscle biopsy to confirm muscle damage.

Cholesterol is not the problem it's inflammation.

Dr Graveline's recommendations...
Statin alternative(s) to reduce/prevent inflammation:
(IE: anti-oxidant, reduce platelet stickiness, controls homocysteine)
1) buffered aspirin - 81 mg
2) CoQ10 - 100 to 150 mg
3) folic acid, B6 & B12
4) Omega 3 (fish oil or cod liver oil)

These four items have the same anti-inflammatory affect
as 20 mg's of Lipitor, without side effects.

For those suffering from TGA (transient global amnesia) and/or persistent memory loss, you may need to take much higher doses of CoQ10 - maybe as high as 1,200 to 1,500 mg. So far, there are over 500 documented TGA cases caused by statins.

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Location: Connecticut

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