by Ray Holder » Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:52 am
I missed the posting about carnitine varieties until today. As I take large amounts of carnitine due to post polio needs, 8 grams a day, capsules are a bit too difficult to take in that quantity, and also expensive, but may be more convenient for those more active and mobile than me.
I now take powder form L carnitine, Acetyl carnitine is also available in this form. I get mine from the States, at Bulk, (www.) in 250, 500 gram, or 1kg containers, at a very reasonable price, I have seen other bulk suppliers on the web, but make sure that the material is pure carnitine, as bulk Nutrition's is, and it is as fully effective as any I have had elsewhere. Some I have seen advertised is the HCl version, supposedly longer lasting in storage, but more crystalline and unlikely to dissolve soon enough.
Dosage is not too easy to measure accurately, I believe 1/4 teaspoon (1.25 ml), equals 750mg, but I now use a slightly smaller teaspoon, a little under 5 ml when filled just level, and that weighs 2.4 grams. I take my first dose a.m. in lemon squash left from my overnight glass, but I find it is quite easy to take in plain water, with no obvious taste. There seem to be no ill effects from larger doses ( after you have worked up to them), so I do not worry about taking too much, I bother more about not getting enough, and the price is no longer a constraint. My previous source in Australia cost me £100 plus per month, the BN version works out at £10 for the same period, if I get the 1kg size, even after paying shipping and duty.
One can buy Q10 toothpaste, I think gum problems are due to Q10 deficiency. Some doctors have suggested gum problems are a cause of heart problems, but I believe that both are manifestations of Q10 deficiency.
I had just convinced myself that Healthy Options Q10 (Kaneka) is just as good as my Pharmanord, the only one that works for me from this side of the pond, when out comes another version. It is not clear just how to convert the dosage of the new form, and it seems to be a bit pricey. I am not yet sure whether or not to try it, I have had so many versions that don't work for me, and it is only by finding the effects of insuffiency that I know a form doesn't work, and I have to build back to normal again afterwards.