by Ray Holder » Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:53 am
Hi Neetka
Ezetimibe is not a statin, but works by absorbing clolesterol in the intestines and, although it has side effects, it most probably does not affect Q10 production.
Your chest pains are most likely caused by a statin induced deficiency of Q10 in your heart energy supply, and, if it is anything like mine, will need a fairly large dosage of Q10, the raised BP would support this notion. I did not find ubiquinol successful, I believe I need the oxygen bearing ubiquinone to maintain heart energy more than the anti oxidant virtues the other exhibits,
5 years ago when I first had this problem, I found that I needed about 200mg of Q10 daily, but I am now 86 and need 800mg daily, you should try 200mg daily if you can. unfortunately, the only Q10 which works at a particular dosage for me is the rather expensive Pharmanord brand, of those available in UK. I have just found the Healthy Options brand at iHerb on the net, and that also works just as well, and, as long as the consignment is below £18 in value, attracts no Customs charge and is much cheaper than Q10 in UK. It comes in a few days, very quick service.
One thing to watch carefully is your blood pressure, when taking both Bendroflumethazide and Q10. As Q10 strengthens your heart action, it pumps more efficiently, the filling phase is made more efficient, and that reduces your BP through eliminating back pressure, but the diuretic pulls it down further to too low a level, and may make you feel faint. I had a lot of trouble from this, especially after my breakfast, when I had to stay seated until it wore off. i found it necessary to take my own BP regularly to make sure it was under control.
I have been able to do without the diuretic for some time now, but as my years advance, I now need 800 mg Q10 a day to keep my BP down and angina at bay, but then I am a long way further down the road than you!!
My paper on this subject is indexed on spacedoc home page "Fitting the pieces together"
Hoping this helps