by Allen1 » Wed May 06, 2009 12:02 pm
Hi there Dennis,
sorry to see you had to find out about the side effects the hard way but welcome to the forum.
The truth is, is that there is no certain answer to your question, each of us recover (hopefully) at different rates as we were on statins for different lengths of time and amounts and types. On the whole many of us see improvement after about 6 month since cessation of statins, but it may take years to get back to some sort of normality for many of us.
Some folk will feel good in a short time after stopping, some take a lot longer and some will never get back to a normal life ever again.
Please look into taking Co-enzyme Q10 and L-Carnitine to aid your recovery, there are many posts on this site that should prove interesting and informative.
Today is a bad day for thinking straight so please forgive the way the above sounds and my inability to show you where to look, great stuff statins aren't they!
All the best,