Re: After a year of low fat dieting it's still up there, with low "good" cholestorol levels and rather high triglycerides so he didn't feel he could put off the pressure from the dr. any longer.
Hi "annshep",
The good old "low fat, low cholesterol, high carb diet" ~ "strikes again" saga! I don't mean to make light of your situation, but I see the same story time and time again. The low fat, low cholesterol, high carb diet is what's keeping everyone SICK.
A low fat diet CAUSES low HDL, especially when the diet is low in saturated fat. Healthy sources of saturated fat: butter and coconut oil. Olive oil is good and a healthy choice also.
Eating foods containing cholesterol does NOT CAUSE high cholesterol.
Whole eggs (most contain even more beneficial omega 3 now); beef, pork, bacon (contain the highest amounts of beneficial acetyl L-Carnitine), nuts & seeds are nutrient rich... I could go on, but the point is... We've been told NOT to eat the foods that are the healthy and nutritious. Some references at the end of this post.
Eating the low fat, low cholesterol diet teaches us to consume a high carb diet. A high carb diet is the number one CAUSE of high triglycerides, especially the "white foods". Sugar is the biggest offender, followed by white flour, bread, potato, rice and pasta.
Many obtain statin AE (adverse effects) relief from a combination of CoQ10 and Acetyl L-Carnitine. CoQ10 should be in gelcap form (not powdered in a capsule), contain some vitamin E, taken with vitamin E or with the fattiest meal of the day. Vitamin E should be natural d-Alpha and not synthetic dl-Alpha.
Acetyl L-Carnitine contains all the components necessary for metabolism than just L-Carnitine alone.
I created a Nutritional Supplements table: ... stable.htm
Also read Dr Graveline's article~ Statin Alternatives:
Nuts & Seed Nutritional Composition: