I feel the need to save my Father from his doctor
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:18 pm
My father is almost 86 years young. He has had some heart problems, but leads an active life. He's had a defibrilator for about 5 or 6 years and it has never ever had to shock him. He has also on Cumidin with great results.
In late November of 2005, Dad's heart doctor decided to try this Vytorin, along with his Cumidin. Dad seemed weak around Christmas but we just chalked it up to age. In January he collapsed and was rushed to the hospital almost without any blood left. He had an bleeding ulcer low in the colon area that had drained him. They transfused almost 7 units of blood over the course of several days and he was feeling much better. My mother thinks that the Doctor was ignoring the fact that Vytorin is not to be mixed with a blood thinner like Cumidin. The doctor acts like she's lost her mind. Doctor takes him off the Cumidin, leaves him on the Vytorin. February 28, he gets his first major heart stoppage and the Defibrilator kicked in. April and he passes out and was told it was the defibrillator kicking again (twice).
Today he is in the hospital because of breathing problems and swelling of the ankles. Cardiomyopathy they think. Did a catheterization today and found nothing.
My mother and I both think it's the Vytorin. He was fine on the Cumidin. Now basically he's on a downhill run. Vytorin is the only culprit.
How do I convince a doctor that knows it all, to take him off it? So his blood count looks good! Who cares if he's dead?????
Please, I value your replies!
In late November of 2005, Dad's heart doctor decided to try this Vytorin, along with his Cumidin. Dad seemed weak around Christmas but we just chalked it up to age. In January he collapsed and was rushed to the hospital almost without any blood left. He had an bleeding ulcer low in the colon area that had drained him. They transfused almost 7 units of blood over the course of several days and he was feeling much better. My mother thinks that the Doctor was ignoring the fact that Vytorin is not to be mixed with a blood thinner like Cumidin. The doctor acts like she's lost her mind. Doctor takes him off the Cumidin, leaves him on the Vytorin. February 28, he gets his first major heart stoppage and the Defibrilator kicked in. April and he passes out and was told it was the defibrillator kicking again (twice).
Today he is in the hospital because of breathing problems and swelling of the ankles. Cardiomyopathy they think. Did a catheterization today and found nothing.
My mother and I both think it's the Vytorin. He was fine on the Cumidin. Now basically he's on a downhill run. Vytorin is the only culprit.
How do I convince a doctor that knows it all, to take him off it? So his blood count looks good! Who cares if he's dead?????
Please, I value your replies!