Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:51 pm
My doctor put me on Vytorin about 2 months ago even though I objected because I have fibromyalgia which in itself is so painful. In the past few weeks I noticed that I was hurting all over and was so fatigued that I could barely raise my arms. Also, I started having chest pains that I had never had before. Finally, when I felt as if I could not make it one more day, I made an appointment to see the nurse practictioner who works for my doctor. As soon as she looked at the chart, she told me to stop taking the Vytorin immediately. I can not believe a doctor would put me on something that he knew that had all these adverse reactions especially when he knew I had fibromyalgia. I have stopped the Vytorin but it has only been three days so I am not feeling any better. Those of you who have gone through this can you tell me if I will get better? I am just so depressed from all this pain. Thanks for reading this! Sue