After Vytorin
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:54 pm
Howdy to all in this forum! I've been pretty busy over the the past several weeks, and have not had time to check in. I'm happy to report that I'm now 3 weeks off Vytorin, and some of my previous symptoms have gone away. Some of them, of course have remained, but dininished, and I'm hoping that over more time things will continue to improve. One of the problems I'm dealing with is neuropathy of my left leg. I originally thought this was from my two back surgeries, the first one in 1994, the last one in 2004, as I had the original symptoms starting then. After starting Vytorin, the symptoms, pain and numbness & tingling in my left leg & foot became worse, but I didn't associate the increase to the statin. After reading Dr. Graveline's articles and searching the side effects of the Vytorin, I decided then to stop the Vytorin, and certainly am glad I did. I still have the neuropathy, but it's much less now than it was a month ago. I thank Dr. Graveline and all in this forum whose articles have assisted me in this decision. I'll check back in a day or so and see what comments there might be. Thanks to all, Buzz.